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Overcome The Fear Of Visibility

awareness business clarity ego empowerment energy blocks Nov 24, 2022
Overcome The Fear Of Visibility

Overcome The Fear Of Visibility

Are you avoiding “showing up” as a spiritual entrepreneur (a.k.a. holisticpreneur)? Putting yourself out there can be a very scary step for many people. We often create negative thoughts in our head such as; “What if no one will believe in me?“ or “What if no one likes me?” or “This industry is saturated, what if no one follows me or resonates with my message?” and “What if I am rejected?”. For people who are fearful or reluctant to become visible, their mind subconsciously halts them in their tracks because the thought of being vulnerable to criticism is terrifying. 

Do you find yourself struggling with a fear of being visible? Read below to find out how you can overcome your fear and start showing up as a spiritual entrepreneur courageously and confidently!


When someone rejects you, questions you, or treats you poorly, what do you do? Be aware that other people’s actions are a direct indication of their limits, wounds, traumas, and beliefs. Although easier said than done — try not to take it personally. If you catch yourself doubting your value, it’s important to remember that your self worth is not determined by their expectations or judgements. Their actions are completely unrelated to you! Positive affirmations of your value should promote a healthy relationship with your inner self while also giving you the opportunity to embrace and appreciate who you are.


Attempt to really focus on what is making you feel this fear. Could you have unhealed wounds that need to mend in order for you to grow? If so, the quicker that you address what’s holding you hostage, the easier it’ll be to overcome the fear of visibility. Although taking the step to becoming more visible is profoundly positive, it’s also just as important to be realistic and honest with our expectations. Putting yourself out there is an enormous victory that should be celebrated however, it does not mean you aren’t fearful to do so. Feeling scared and vulnerable is never easy, but the more you practice accepting your vulnerability for what it is, the more joy you’ll be able to experience!


Take off your mask and own your role in life! When you are stuck in the pattern of hiding your authenticity, bringing your whole self to the table can be challenging. Living the life you truly want is all about trusting yourself and the purpose you have! The truth is, you are never going to be a perfect fit for everyone and everything. The more defined and openly visible you are, the more you will attract like minded people who accept you for who you are, and give you the confidence to continue sticking to your niche!

You don’t need anyone’s permission to live your purpose and embrace your authentic joy! Conforming yourself to fit others expectations only diminishes the confidence needed to love unapologetically. I believe that you have it in you to overcome your fear, but keep in mind that action is key. Now that you’ve learned how to crush the fear you’re experiencing and have committed to being more visible, it’s time to do your job and find joy!


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