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Why Everyone Should Be Grounding Their Energy and How to Do It

energy grounding meditation Nov 30, 2022
Why Everyone Should Be Grounding Their Energy and How to Do It

Why Everyone Should Be Grounding Their Energy and How to Do It

Having healthy, grounded energy is important not just in meditation and yoga, but in your daily life as well. Your energy influences your mood, energy, outlook on the world, and overall sense of well-being. It affects how you interact with people and how people interact with you. The problem with having ungrounded energy is that it’s...well, ungrounded! We will discuss what grounding is, how to ground, tips for successful grounding, and benefits of grounding.


What is grounding?

Grounding is a type of meditation that helps you release the energy that builds up in your body. When you ground, you open yourself up to receiving more healthy and grounded energy, such as electrons, that naturally come from the earth. You may see children running around without socks or shoes on their feet, this is their intuitive way of grounding their excess energy. There are many ways to ground, but the most common technique is called grounding the chakras. Chakras are vortices or centers of energy (or life force) found along an invisible line through the human body. Chakras start below the base of your spine and extend over your head. One way to ground them is by imagining roots coming out of all seven major chakra points on your spine and going into the ground, releasing any unneeded or unhealthy emotions tied with those energies while they grow strong again. Once the process is completed, imagine light returning up the roots until it reaches your crown chakra where it spreads over your whole body. Another way to ground them is by imagining roots coming out of all seven major chakra points on your spine and going into the ground, releasing any unneeded or unhealthy emotions tied with those energies while they grow strong again. Once the process is completed, imagine light returning up the roots until it reaches your crown chakra where it spreads over your whole body. Figuring out how to ground and take responsibility for yourself isn't one-size-fits-all - what works for you one day might not work for you tomorrow, or for another person. Stay open to exploring different approaches that work best for you.


How to ground your energy

Grounding is one of the most important things you can do for your health and well-being. When you ground, you are connecting with Mother Earth to balance and release any excess energy that might be hanging around in your body. Below is one of many simple grounding techniques that anyone can do, anywhere, anytime:

1) Find a comfortable place on the ground or floor and sit down.

2) Start by crossing your legs, then take one hand and place it palm side up over the other (or palms up).

3) Now take some time to breathe into your hands while picturing yourself grounded (or magnetizing) into the earth below you.

4) Take deep breaths through both nose and mouth, feeling yourself fully connected with Mother Earth's healing energy.

5) Breathe out any stress, tension, anxiety, and anger that may have built up during your day. Visualize that tension blowing as far away as possible. This energy will be recycled into new and high vibrational energy. Tip: You can visualize you breathe being released from tension, turning into butterflies, and flying away.

6) Repeat this breathing process as many times as needed until you feel calm and balanced.

7) Stay here for a few minutes, if possible, to soak in the benefits of grounding.

8) Once you're ready, gradually start moving your hands apart so they come back to their natural position on either side of you.

9) Next slowly stand up and continue about your day!


Tips for successful grounding

The first step in grounding your energy is to find a place where you can sit down and be still for at least 5 minutes. Find a comfortable chair, or even the floor or ground. Take your shoes off, if possible. Let all the tension out of your body- this will help you relax more quickly. Next, take a deep breath and allow you breathe to release slowly. Close your eyes and imagine roots coming from your feet that are sinking into the ground. Imagine roots that go deeper and deeper as you breathe in, then release any tension as you exhale. Once you've calmed down, open your eyes and get up slowly. You should feel noticeably better! If not, give it another try until you do. To stay grounded throughout the day, use mantras (positive words) to remind yourself to keep your energy grounded and balanced. Whenever you start feeling off, repeat "I am grounded" or "I am stable" over and over again. Mantras are powerful words because we hear them internally so often; in turn, repeating mantras causes us to believe and embody what we're saying. Remember to practice self care whenever possible and make sure you have time for activities that energize you. Yoga, exercise, eating nutritious foods, staying hydrated, meditating/praying, doing yoga or meditation - these are all great ways to avoid being drained. Lastly, don't forget that grounding doesn't need to be done alone - talk about stressful events with friends or family members and maintain healthy relationships with those who are positive influences on your life!


The benefits of grounding

Grounding is the process of getting in touch with your energy and grounding it back into the earth. One of the benefits of grounding is that it can relieve chronic fatigue, headaches, migraines, and improves sleep. It also helps get rid of emotional stress and tension in the body more easily. In addition, many people who are ungrounded tend to experience more anxiety, irritability, and depression. When we’re not grounded our minds wander from thought to think a lot which leads us to distraction and overwhelm. We end up being less productive at work or school because we have trouble concentrating on one task at a time. This also makes it harder to use your intuition and receive insight that could provide much needed clarity. People that are sensitive to energy depend on the process of grounding to protect their energy and to allow psychic messages to flow with ease. Grounding also helps psychics to release energy quickly. Empaths particularly find it helpful to ground before going out in public. When you're not grounded it's easy for other people's thoughts and emotions to enter your energy because you're more open to them. You might pick up on other people's feelings without even realizing what has happened which can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Grounding yourself will help stop those feelings so that you don't take on others' burdens without knowing it. Another great benefit of grounding is that it will protect your home by making sure there aren't any outside energies coming inside. If any type of negative energy does come through, then you will be able to remove it much quicker and easier because you're grounded and connected to the earth.


In conclusion, grounding your energy is an especially important and beneficial practice that everyone should do. It's important for you and for others. You don't want to be throwing around all of the excess energy you're taking in from others or be creating an imbalance because you're not grounding. The process is easy, quick, and can be done anywhere!


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